FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)

How do I register for iSTARS 4.0 if I had the previous version?

Process to login

The username and password are the same as the one used to log-in to your ICAO secure portal.

Please type icao\username followed by your password to login (ex: if your username is jdoe use: icao\jdoe).

Process for New Users with ICAO secure portal credentials.

  • Login to the ICAO Secure Portal account with username and password.
  • Subscribe to group "iSTARS4." Acceptance may take up to 48 hours. You will be sent your username and password by email.
  • If you do not have a username and password for the ICAO Secure Portal, you can register with this link: https://portallogin.icao.int/NewUserRegistration.aspx?grps=istars4 .

Process to recover lost password

For assistance on how to recover username/password, please contact the email: ICAO Secure Portal administrator .

How do I add or remove access to SSP Gap Analysis?

The author of the SSP Gap Analysis and others who have access to the profile can edit the PQs. If want to change the author of any profile please contact us with detailed information about your request. We can only give access to people that are registered in iSTARS4.0

We can only give access to people that are registered in iSTARS4.0

How to update the SSP Gap analysis PQ?

We have the SSP gap analysis handbook that gives users a step-by-step direction on how to use the application. Please contact us if you need assistance with the SSP Gap Analysis application.

How does ICAO choose the "official" set of accidents every year?

ICAO's global accident rate provides an overall indicator of safety performance for air transport operations. The accident rate is based on scheduled commercial operations involving fixed-wing aircraft with a certified MTOW over 5,700 kg. Aircraft accidents are reviewed and validated by the ICAO Occurrence Validation Study Group (OVSG) using definitions provided in Annex 13 — Aircraft Accident and Incident Investigation.

Data on departures is collated by ICAO's Air Transport Bureau and comprises scheduled commercial operations that involve the transportation of passengers, cargo, and mail for remuneration. Estimates are made where data has not been provided by States, and as new data is provided to ICAO, it will be incorporated into the database. It is worth noting that this may cause slight changes to the calculated rates from year to year.

How does ICAO choose the "official" set of accidents every year?

If you want to download specific data, please visit API Data Service : https://www.icao.int/Aviation-API-Data-Service/Pages/default.aspx .

What can I do if I cannot find any data for a particular country?

Not all countries have submitted their data/ report. We update our data according to the data provided to us by the Regional offices.

Contact Us

Do you have any questions concerning the content, functions, or usage of iSTARS data? Please address any comments concerning the content of the site to